The studio will be taking responsible steps towards the prevention of the spread of this virus as follows:

  • If you/your child is exhibiting cold/flu symptoms, I ask the you attend your lesson via Skype or Facetime.  Detailed instructions to connect are listed below.  Please let me know ahead of time via text or email, if possible 48/24 hours before, and dial in at the time of your lesson.  If you do not receive a response from me as I might be teaching, it will mean I did not see your communication.  Please try again. As we get into allergy season, it might be a little difficult to know if the symptoms are allergy relatedWhen in doubt, please Skype or Facetime in for your lesson.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Tissues will be available in the studio as well as a garbage can to dispose of the tissues.
  • If the Fayette County Board of Education proceeds to close schools, the studio will not be open for in person lessons.  All lessons will take place via Skype or Facetime.  Kindly let me know in advance which, if possible 48/24 hours before, and dial in at the time of your lesson.
  • The teaching area piano surface will be cleaned before and after each piano lesson with Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Cleaner, a CDC coronavirus approved cleaner.  If you use any of the pianos in the waiting area, kindly clean them with a Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Cleaner wipe.  They will be available in the bathroom and in the studio. You MUST USE A DISPOSABLE GLOVE, available also in the bathroom, if you do so as these wipes contain CHLORINE.  DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE either while handling these wipes.  Please dispose of these items, including the wipes, in the garbage bin, not in the toilette as they will clog it.
  • Door knobs and common area surfaces will be cleaned daily with the same cleaner.
  • Students should either wash their hands or use the hand sanitizer on the piano before starting each lesson.
  • Only paper towels will be available in the bathroom for usage after washing your hands.  Cloth towels have been removed.  As usual, there are more paper supplies available in the first drawer of the side furniture.  Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Cleaner will be available in the bathroom to clean the toilette seat.  There will also be disposable gloves available for use when doing so as this cleaner does contains CHLORINE.  If you use the wipes, you MUST HANDLE IT USING A GLOVE. Please dispose of these items, including the wipes, in the garbage bin, not in the toilette as they will clog it.

Skype Contact Info:  The Ugarte Studio

Facetime Contact Info:  404-358-2950

The following are instructions to remote connect via Skype or Facetime.                                                                

SkypeLogo.png SKYPE   FacetimeLogo.jpg FACETIME
1.  To use this option, you must have an account.           1.  To use this option, you must have an Apple device:  iPhone, iPad, or some model of Mac computer.
2.  You must TEXT ahead of time letting the studio know you will be connecting remotely using this option.   2.  You must TEXT ahead of time letting the studio know you will be connecting remotely using this option.
3.  You must receive a response from the studio indicating your text has been seen.   3.  You must receive a response from the studio indicating your text has been seen.
4.  The studio is listed as The Ugarte Studio, with the following email:   4.  The studio's phone number is listed in the front cover of your binder.
5.  At the time of your lesson, please initiate the VIDEO connection.   5.  At the time of your lesson, please initiate the VIDEO connection.
6.  Please have your binder and books with you so you can make notes.  You will also need any tracks you will be using as well as a device to play them.  If you are connecting using your cell phone, you will need a separate device to play your tracks.   6.  Please have your binder and books with you so you can make notes.  You will also need any tracks you will be using as well as a device to play them.  If you are connecting using your cell phone, you will need a separate device to play your tracks.